Wednesday, November 7, 2012

All About the Matters of the Heart: Cardio

Cardio comes from the Greek word “kardia” that refers to anything from the heart. So if you’re meaning to keep your heart healthy, always look out for the best cardio training. This is the best option to make sure that you are in the right track in maintaining your health. Cardio trainings are activities that use large muscle groups in an uninterrupted manner. 

To exercise your heart, you have to do some activities that can elevate your heart rate at about sixty to eighty-five percent, that’s the safest range to pump your heart beat. The good thing about it is it gives your body the energy and your endurance increases as you do the exercise regularly. It can also prevent you from diseases that are caused by lifestyle that are covered up with over-eating, inactivity, and eating high fat foods.

Obesity: the Cardio Culprit

Obesity and overweight are two different words but with a common meaning. Both refer to weighing too much, but obesity is more of having too much body fat causing the person to be overweight. This usually occurs when you eat too much. Over consuming calories would lead to integrating those excess calories into fats. As your body fat goes out from the balance, you are exposing yourself to greater risk of having diseases like type-2 diabetes, coronary heart disease and stroke, metabolic syndrome, certain types of cancer, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, gallbladder disease, fatty liver disease, and some pregnancy complications. 

As far as the economy s concerned, obesity related a disease has an estimated annual cost of about $190.2 billion. As this can be a very cardio-breaking disease, you can eliminate this possibility by having a good cardio plan, by shedding off about five to ten percent of your weight. It is just a simple math; if you weigh more, you burn more. If you slowly brace in to cardio training exercises, you will find it easier to lose body fat and when you get that desired weight, maintaining will not be that harder.

Cardio Exercises for Starters

If you are just starting to exercise, remember that you have to start at a slow pace. Take some time to feel your groove and don’t push further than your capabilities. Your target is to get that heart rate going at a safe level. Meanwhile, you should always consider going to your doctor and have yourself checked. Make sure that you monitor your heart rate while on your cardio training routines. 

cardiovascular exercise
Avoid exhausting too much; you can start at thirty to forty-five minutes of cardio exercise, at about three to five times a week. Never go beyond forty-five minutes. You can start by simply walking, whether on a treadmill or you can have your power walk outside. You can easily insert exercises with your daily routines. What matters is you are engaged in an activity that keeps you moving. Avoid doing exercises before sleeping, as you will find it difficult to sleep after. It is best to take snacks before hitting on the exercise so that your body can sustain the whole duration of calorie burning. But make sure you do not overeat. 

You can also try stationery biking in which you can do some variations as you level up with your endurance level. You can try biking uphill to increase some intensity. There are also a lot of options where you can try. The best thing about this is you can incorporate this with your favorite sports or hobby. If you are in to dancing, you can try dancing or just shadow boxing. Any activity will do as long as your body moves in motion. 

You can also work on steps or stairs, with a machine or on your way to work. We should always keep in mind that a happy heart is having a healthy heart. So don’t let your heart get broken, with a healthy low calorie diet, adequate sleep, and lots of fluid—these are definitely the best combination with your cardio.

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