Thursday, November 1, 2012

Understanding Muscle and Fitness

Muscle and fitness go hand in hand with regards to our wellness. It is very essential to us, not only because we wanted to stay fit but it is a very good investment for our body. 

There are many underlying benefits and importance of muscle and fitness for us. Even though you have not notice any weight changes in your exercises, don’t stop because it actually maintains the full mobility of our muscles. As you go over with your muscle and fitness plan, always remember these guidelines that will guide you to your over-all wellness.

Muscle and fitness uncovered

There are many muscle and fitness fiction that you may have heard or encountered. One of them is the rules in repetition and the number of sets that should be taken with each exercise group. The twelve repetition rule has been misunderstood in some ways. Although the standard prescription for a repetition is from eight to twelve, it does not actually help you in achieving muscle gain. Counting eight to twelve repetitions only provides balance but does not generate greater tension level. So, no matter how many exercise variation you may perform, it will not affect your muscle and fitness gain. To be able to achieve greater tension level, you must vary heavier weight but with lesser repetitions. High tension enables your muscles to gain maximum strength. 

The next thing to remember is the duration of the tension, in order to have an effective muscle gain you must have long tension time. This will boost the muscle because it generates the structure around the muscle fibers, thus improving endurance. You must change the number of your repetitions as you adjust the weight to stimulate all types of muscle growth. Another muscle fiction that needs clarification is the three set rule. Now, you must keep in mind that the number of sets that you perform should always be based on your goals. To make this rule simpler, memorize this simple equation; more repetition means fewer sets and vice-versa. So it’s not really a big deal whether you do the three set rule or not. Last one to tackle is the three to four exercises per group. The truth is, having more repetition to one muscle group is not effective as it may sound. Instead, do thirty to fifty repetitions to each muscle group to have satisfactory muscle and fitness result.

Muscle and fitness Precaution

Injuries in muscle and fitness are more likely due to improper posture and work-out. Our muscles work in group, in order to stabilize the spine. As we work on a specific work-out routine, our body automatically activates the muscle groups that are needed most. So if you lift much weights because you want to target having a great six-pack abs, it can recruit wrong muscle and limit the function of the right muscle. Hence, the chance of having injury is elevated. If you are targeting a six pack, cross out the “lift weight, draw abs” myth. Instead, look for appropriate muscle and fitness routines that only target the right muscles in the abdominals. Aside from that, a certain study from Memphis University states that when your knees are moving beyond the toes during the squat, the knee stress increases up to thirty percent. 

However, if the forward movement of your knee is restricted, your hip stress will go ten times higher. Most people would disregard having proper posture when executing some type of exercise. to avoid having unwanted injury, always focus on your upper body position and less on your knee. To do this, you have to keep your torso in up-right position when doing squats and lunges to reduce stress on the hips and lower back. To stay upright, you squeeze your shoulder blades together and keep this position as you squat. Then keep your forearm at ninety degree angle from the floor. As you go on with your exercise, always start with a low weight and work slowly to have impressive result on your muscle and fitness.

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